We’ve all heard about how smoking is bad for you, but what happens to your body after you quit? Your body starts experiencing the benefits 20 minutes after your last cigarette, and this continues even after 10 years. Here’s a summary:
20 minutes later
Your blood pressure and heart rate starts returning to normal.
8 hours later
The nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood are reduced by half.
48 hours later
Carbon monoxide and nicotine will be removed from your body. Your sense of taste and smell will improve.
72 hours later
Breathing becomes easier as the tubes in your lungs relax.
3–9 months later
Coughing and breathing problems improve. Your body’s circulatory system works better.
5 years later
Your risk of a heart attack reduces to half of a smoker’s.
10 years later
Your risk of a heart attack is now the same as a non-smoker, while your risk of lung cancer reduces to half of a smoker’s.
If you would like to seek professional help to quit smoking, call our friendly medical concierge today at +65 6679 7867. Alternatively you may wish to email us at customercare@tmcg.com.sg.