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- Alphamed
- Bank Central Asia (BCA)
- Bank Mega
- Beatrice Speech Clinic
- Farrer Park Hospital
- Food Advisory Group
- Healthstats
- Hope Ambulance
- Innovative Diagnostics
- Integrative Physio
- Jet Quay Pte Ltd
- Kind Hearing
- Lifescan Imaging
- Mandarin Orchard Singapore
- PanAsia Surgery
- Parkway Health Laboratory
- Parkway Health Radiology
- Parkway Hospitals Singapore
- Pathlab
- Penang Adventist Hospital
- Plush Limosuines
- Preciouz Kare
- RadLink
- Raffles Hospital
- Roche
- Singapore Medical Specialists Centre
- The Sole Clinic
- The St. Regis Singapore
- 10 Tips to Manage Teaching Stress
- 3 Easy Alternatives to Soft Drink Addiction
- 3 Exercises to Boost Your Strength and Endurance
- 3 Scientifically Proven Methods to Quit Smoking
- 3 Short and Simple Lung Exercises for a Healthier You
- 3 Simple Exercises to Reduce Body Fat
- 4 foods on the memory menu
- 5 Easy Tips to Maintain Healthy Eyes
- 5 Foods to Eat for Healthy Lungs
- 5 Quick Weight Loss Tips to Squeeze into Your Busy Day
- 5 relaxation tips for removing stress in your daily life
- 5 steps to reduce your breast cancer risk
- 5 Things to Know About Trans Fats
- 5 ways to boost your energy without coffee
- 5 ways to fight stress
- 5 weight loss myths you need to know about
- 6 Foods to Keep Your Skin Young and Healthy
- 6 Healthy Eating Habits for Kids
- 6 Quick Solutions to Improve Your Health
- 7 ways to a healthier heart
- A clean brain is a healthy brain
- A less painful way to solve a painful problem
- A price too heavy to pay for beauty
- About 1 in 4 Singapore residents are suffering from a silent but potentially deadly problem.
- Age-old therapy makes a comeback
- Ah choo! Is it the flu?
- All About Shingles
- Aortic Stenosis: How it’s a Danger to You and Your Heart
- Apakah Anda memiliki alergi?
- Apakah itu Manajer Kesehatan?
- Are Teachers Role Models for Healthy Habits?
- Are the young immune to colorectal cancer?
- Are you allergic?
- Are you in need of peer support?
- Are Your Kids Protected from Cancer Caused by HPV?
- Are your lovely locks disappearing?
- Avoid Sudden Cardiac Death – Take a Heart Test Today
- Back Pain – Myths and Facts
- Battle of the Bulge!
- Better cardiac screening facilities for NS personnel
- Beware of illegal weight loss products
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- Breast Cancer Myths and Facts: Males can also be affected
- Breast Cancer: Be Familiar with the Symptoms and Signs
- Breast Screening: Get comfortable with yourself
- Breastfeeding Can Reduce Risk of Childhood Leukaemia
- Broken Heart Syndrome: What is it?
- Can being underweight increase your risk of dementia?
- Can you spare 10 minutes, twice a week?
- Can your mobile phone kill?
- Cancer and obesity. Is there a link?
- Caring for those with unseen problems
- Cataract: An Age-Related Eye Disease
- Celebrating Mother’s Day
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: What is it?
- Could a treadmill tell you how long you’ll live?
- Could there be a new cancer vaccine soon?
- Couples – are you still sleeping in the same room?
- Dangerous driving can happen unknowingly
- Dear mum…
- Depression and heart disease
- Diabetes Pada Dasarnya
- Diabetes, the basics.
- Did you know that for most people our bone mass will naturally begin to decline after the age of 30?
- Did you know? We are living longer!!!
- Difficulties sleeping? Top five ways to sleep soundly
- Do you feel tired and weak all the time?
- Do you have hoarding disorder?
- Dodgy Allergy Tests: Are You Taking Unnecessary Tests?
- Drinking Can Change the Structure of the Heart for the Elderly
- Dry and itchy eyes? Top tips for dry eyes
- E-Cigarettes Do Not Help You Quit
- Easy Tips to Better Manage Stress
- Eat whole grains to live longer
- End the year on a good note
- Energy in a can. But at what price?
- Erectile Dysfunction: An indicator of a deeper problem?
- Ever experienced intense fear for no reason?
- Every mother hopes for a healthy child. Or do they?
- Exercise Reduces the Risk of Pregnancy-Related Diabetes
- Exploring the benefits of yoga
- Facebook and Apple to cover cost of egg freezing for employees
- Find a doctor you can trust
- Fitness in middle age linked to healthier brain in later years
- Food allergies can be severe in the very young
- Foods That Fight Against Constipation
- Foods to boost your memory and improve focus
- Forget me not: 5 steps to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s
- From heartache to heart attack?
- Gatal Eksim Yang Tak Tertahankan
- Give the gift of health
- Glaucoma: A Cause of Irreversible Vision Loss
- Good Stress, Bad Stress
- Greater cancer care with a dedicated rehabilitation centre
- Happiness, prosperity and good health in the Year of the Goat
- Happy Father’s Day
- Happy Healthier 2015!!!
- Happy National Day: SG50
- Happy Teachers Day: Remembering our Teachers
- Have a healthy holiday
- Having trouble sleeping? It could be affecting your heart.
- Heart Attack & Heart Failure, is there a difference?
- Helping you care for the ones you love
- High blood pressure, the silent killer.
- High cholesterol, the basics.
- Hormonal Imbalance: It’s Simple to Identify and Fix It
- How can you boost your metabolism?
- How does diabetes affect our mental health?
- How is Dental Health Linked to Risk of Dementia?
- How much calories can you eat a day?
- How Stressed Are You?
- How to lower your cholesterol in 5 easy steps
- Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism. Know the difference?
- Immunotheraphy: A Potential New Weapon in the Fight Against Cancer
- Improper Exercise Can Hurt You
- Improving your life with exercise
- International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking
- Is health all about the right genes? Twins prove that it’s not.
- Is health reflected in your weight?
- Is it time for a Hepatitis B check?
- Is migraine affecting your quality of life?
- Is my hair gone forever?
- Is tossing and turning in bed at night a routine?
- Is your heart ready for intense sports and competitions?
- It’s time we start listening to our body
- Let’s Go Nuts For Longevity
- Let’s keep our women safe
- Love Your Heart. Eat Heart-Healthy Foods.
- Lower your cholesterol by eating right
- Lowering your blood pressure in 5 easy steps
- Making healthcare a basic human right
- Managed Home Healthcare
- Manfaat dari Menghentikannya
- Medical test risks: Are you risk-aware or risk-adverse?
- Medical tests. Necessary or needless?
- MERS: What You Need to Know
- Mood food: How eating can increase your happiness
- More advancements to come for heart disease treatment
- More fat in your milk, less fat in your body?
- Mummy, why do I have these blisters?
- Needing help for someone with dementia?
- Needle or patch?
- New back pain: worry or wait?
- New breast cancer drug could extend patients’ lives by 16 months
- No reason to fear piles treatment
- One Bite is All it Takes
- Ouch!!! Is that shingles?
- Pain on the toilet
- Physiotherapy: How can it help you?
- Pills that kill
- Private Healthcare Manager – A meaningful career?
- Prostate cancer: What is it, and how can you avoid it?
- Rich man’s disease?
- Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha
- Selamat Hari Raya!
- Should you watch the caffeine?
- Singapore overtakes Hong Kong to be the #1 most-efficient healthcare system
- Singapore’s step-down care sector to expand in 2015
- Smoking Can Drive You Mad
- Smoking: The Hazards of the Hobby
- Spotting between periods: When is it a cause for concern?
- Stand up for health
- Stomach discomfort: is it indigestion?
- Stronger Lungs for a Stronger Body
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest: A Silent Killer
- Sugar, the sweet poison?
- Sure, you can run 10km. But are you truly healthy?
- Teachers Day Gift Voucher
- Teenage Obesity May Increase Risk of Bowel Cancer
- The ABCs of antioxidant-rich foods
- The benefits of stubbing it out
- The blues? Or depression?
- The Pain of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Stop it from interfering your life
- The spirit of generosity
- The unbearable itch of eczema
- The Ups and downs of bipolar disorder
- Thick, red, and scaly.
- Tips for achieving work life balance
- Too Much Fibre Can Actually Lead to Constipation
- Too much or too little sun?
- Top 5 anti-aging foods to help your skin glow
- Top 5 quick ways to relieve stress
- Top 5 Ways To Boost Your Immune System
- Top 5 ways to safely exercise during pregnancy
- Top tips for healthy nails
- Top treatments for sinus headaches
- Trust is everything
- Trying for a kid? Here’s something you should know.
- Trying to lose weight? Exercise is not enough.
- Understanding diabetes and tips to avoiding a diabetes diagnosis
- Understanding psoriasis – top tips for successfully managing the condition
- Understanding seasonal allergies and how to beat them naturally
- Understanding the benefits of a colon cleanse
- Understanding thyroid conditions – the basics and what you should be aware of
- Waiting does not help
- Want to lose weight? Weigh yourself every day.
- Warning Signs of a Heart Attack
- What do we really know about common health conditions?
- What happens when you crack your knuckles?
- What is a healthcare manager?
- What is MediShield Life?
- What you eat = what you feel?
- What You Need to Know About Hepatitis C
- What you need to know about rheumatoid arthritis
- When breathing is difficult
- When does a mother’s love end?
- When eating apples can be deadly!
- When is weight loss a bad thing?
- Where do you want to spend your last days?
- Who’s caring for the caregivers?
- Why a fall might cause irregular heartbeats in seniors?
- Why is HPV Vaccine Important For Young Women?
- Women’s Health: Cervical Cancer is the 3rd Most Common Cancer in Women
- World Blood Donor’s Day
- World Bone & Joint Action Week
- World Heart Day
- World Hepatitis Day: Prevent hepatitis. Act now
- You are what you eat
- Your Diet May Be Killing You
- Your first colonoscopy