Holidays are great occasions for bonding and feasting. Unfortunately, they are also occasions when many of us tend to overeat and binge drink. With multiple Christmas gatherings being organised and to attend (office parties, different groups of friends and family parties), it’s all too common for us to indulge. Here are 3 simple tips to avoid overeating during the upcoming holidays, so you still can keep your pants buttoned after the feast:
1) Eat slowly
Our brains take time to register when we’re full. Eat slowly, so you can give your body time to let you know when you’re full.
2) Plan your plate
Scan all the available options before scooping them on your plate, so you can balance your plate with just enough food. Plus, you won’t have to feel bad about leaving leftovers.
3) Alternate drinks with water
Alcohol is a mainstay of most holiday parties. It is also extremely high in calories. Try alternating your drinks with water. That way, you won’t just be reducing your calorie intake, you’ll also be keeping yourself hydrated and healthy. That said, it’s the holidays, so go easy on yourself. There’s no need to get too carried away counting calories and restricting yourself. Happy (and healthy) feasting from all of us at The Medical Concierge Group!