Spotting, or vaginal bleeding, between periods is actually a common problem that affects most women at some point in their lives. However, this can also sometimes signal a more serious underlying problem.
How can you tell what is normal or abnormal?
Firstly, it is important to know what blood spotting is, as well as to note the type of discharge you are experiencing. Blood spotting is typically any vaginal bleeding that occurs after a menstrual period ends and before the next period starts. It can be as light as a faint pinkness on toilet paper or your underwear, to drops of blood or even to a heavier flow resembling your period. In most cases, unusual spotting is caused by simple situational factors such as stress, slight hormone imbalances and the stopping or starting of certain medications.
However, if you experience one or more of the following symptoms, your vaginal bleeding may be a cause for concern:
- Excessive vaginal bleeding
- Vaginal bleeding that lasts more than 3 days
- Light spotting that continues for 3 menstrual cycles
- Heavy bleeding after intercourse
- Vaginal bleeding after menopause
It is important to take note of your menstrual cycle and know what is abnormal for you. If you are uncertain, the best way to determine what is going on is to consult your doctor.
If you wish to seek medical advice from a gynaecologist, call our friendly medical concierge at +65 6679 7867 or email us at and we will be on hand to assist you.