If you suffer from seasonal allergies, it can be difficult to manage your symptoms without over the counter medicines. Whether you suffer from hayfever or any other allergy brought on by a change of season there are plenty of ways to manage your symptoms the natural way.
There are a broad range of natural options and herbal supplements that can help the treatment of seasonal allergies so you can get on with your life without having to take powerful drugs and medications.
Some simple tips for beating allergies caused by the change of seasons naturally are outlined below:
Consider herbal supplements – a simple tea, capsule or drop can help to act as a natural antihistamine that can reduce allergy symptoms. Explore some natural remedies to help keep allergy symptoms at bay. You might find natural supplements such as licorice root or green tea could make the world of difference to your allergies.
Explore changing your diet – if you think that your symptoms might change after eating certain foods consider changing your diet and mixing it up to explore whether some foods cause you to feel congested and others don’t.
Some people find dairy and fruit can cause their blood vessels in their nose to swell, while others can be allergic to other foods which can make symptoms worse. Keeping an eye on this is a great way to relieve allergy symptoms naturally.
Acupuncture – this ancient Chinese procedure works to treat a wide range of allergy symptoms and can reduce sneezing, puffy eyes and a wide range of other issues caused by changes in seasons. After a few sessions you should start to notice any changes in your allergies and whether this treatment works for your symptoms.
Natural nasal rinse – this is a simple way to flush dust and pollens from the nose. Using sterile water, the nasal rinse will work to relieve allergy symptoms and reduce the chances of an allergy attack.
If you would like professional medical advice on ways to reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies or to take charge of your health why not arrange for a health screening today, , simply call our friendly medical concierge at +65 6679 7867 or email us at customercare@tmcg.com.sg and we will be on hand to assist you.