It’s the time of the year where we start preparing for the festive season. Many of us will be reflecting on the year, the new friends we’ve made, a new job, new colleagues and most of all, our loved ones. Don’t mean to put a damper on this joyous period, but the truth is, some of us may have lost close friends, colleagues and even family members. I DID. Not one but two, in the space of two weeks. And as I pen this week’s newsletter, I’m reminded of the pain and anguish of the loss. I know of some friends who went through the same pain. There has been a lot of talk and discussion about healthcare in the various media channels. While we reflect and think about what we want to give our loved ones and friends, why not give the gift of life? After all the “Greatest Gift is Life”. It’s the season of giving and sharing.
If you are wondering how you can give the gift of life to your loved ones or friends, simply call our friendly medical concierge at +65 6679 7867 to find out more. Alternatively, you may prefer to email us at