When it comes to exercise, the idea of doing some exercise is better than nothing often holds true, but be warned that improper exercise can in fact hurt you. Made up exercises, reckless form, and improper breathing can lead to injuries, so if you’re unsure how to work a certain muscle, how to perform an exercise, or how to properly breathe during an exercise, you should get advice from a fitness professional, sports trainer or a strength and conditioning coach.
When it comes to exercise, it is important to adopt good techniques. This ensures that the muscles you’re working receive full stress from the exercise you’re performing and two, that your joints are in proper position during the exercise ensuring they’re in a strong and stable position to help prevent injury. When exercising with added resistance, adopting bad techniques like swinging, jolting, or bouncing with the weight, then you’re putting yourself at risk for a potentially damaging amount of stress to your joints and connective tissues.
Breathing properly ensures adequate supply of oxygen to the body. Holding your breath during exercise cause a spike in blood pressure. It can also cause you to faint because it increases the internal pressure in the chest and abdomen. Proper exercise techniques is key to ensuring you do not sustain injuries. Remember if you don’t know how to work a particular muscle, how to do an exercise, or how to breathe properly when exercising, get professional advice.
If you need professional advice on how to develop good exercise regime, call us at +65 6679 7867 or email us at customercare@tmcg.com.sg and our friendly medical concierge will be on hand to assist you.
Wishing you the best of health, The Editorial Team The Medical Concierge Group