Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease. What exactly is it, it’s symptoms, and what happens after? Get a quick overview with this 3-minute read.
What is Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease?
Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD) is a highly contagious viral infection. It mostly affects young children under the age of five and is spread via direct contact. Therefore, infected children should recuperate at home and stay away from school, kindergarten, childcare centre, as well as all public places.
What are the symptoms?
The typical symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease are:
- Red rash made up of blister-like spots filled with fluid, usually on the hands and feet, but sometimes also on the arms, legs, and buttocks.
- Painful mouth ulcers
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Sore throat
Your child may also experience severe headaches, giddiness, neck stiffness, disorientation, drowsiness, fits and breathlessness. If you suspect your child has Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease and would like our medical concierge to take him or her to the doctor, simply call us at +65 6679 7867 or email us at customercare@tmcg.com.sg
What are the treatment options?
There is no specific treatment or antibiotics for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. In most cases, the child’s immune system will overcome the infection in about 7 days. The doctor will prescribe your child with medication that will help to relieve the discomfort caused by the symptoms. Ensure that your child drinks plenty of water and gets enough rest. Changing to a soft diet of porridge can also help your child cope with the painful mouth ulcers.