In a small but interesting experiment, researchers had 20 Americans swap diets with 20 of their counterparts from South Africa. After the swap, the Americans followed a high-fibre, low-fat diet with plenty of legumes and beans, while the South Africans had meals higher in animal protein and fat, such as burger and fries. Although the diet swap lasted for just two weeks, the impact was visible—the Americans saw positive changes in the bacteria found in their gut, and a reduced risk of colon cancer. On the other hand, the Africans begun to show signs of a colon cancer risk. The old adage, “you are what you eat”, has never rang truer. Consider this: if the impact of a diet change is visible after just two weeks, imagine the positive benefits it would have after two months, or even two years!
If you would like to consult a dietitian about changes to your diet, call our friendly medical concierge at +65 6679 7867 or email us at to make an appointment today.