With an ageing population comes greater healthcare needs. This is a natural part of ageing, but the fact is that our hospitals cannot do everything. In fact, our hospitals are already facing a bed crunch—the demand for healthcare services is increasing much faster than the rate it is expanding. As such, healthcare experts have predicted that the step-down care sector will expand rapidly in the coming year to cater to our nation’s healthcare needs. This concept of ‘step-down care’ was first introduced here in 2009 and refers to community hospitals, nursing homes, home care and other forms of ‘slow healthcare’ for the elderly who may require more dedicated, long-term care. This is a win–win situation that frees the hospitals to deal with what they do best, the emergencies and critical cases, and offers more quality and specialised care for our aged.
If you need assistance to provide professional medical care for your loved ones, call our friendly medical concierge today at +65 6679 7867. Alternatively you may wish to email us at customercare@tmcg.com.sg.