Identical twins. They look alike, are brought up the same way, and have similar diets. Why then, would one twin have more body fat, lower endurance, higher risk of developing diabetes, and less greymatter in their brains? The answer is simple: exercise. This fascinating difference was uncovered in a small Finnish study. Scientists studied 10 pairs of identical twins whose exercise habits changed after they grew up. One of the two exercised regularly, while the other didn’t. While the twins still looked the same on the outside, their insides told a different story. It was clear that the twin who exercised had healthier body and brains, even if their routines were only a few years old. Yes, genetics matter when it comes to how healthy you are. And yes, the environment you grow up in matters as well. But this twins study clearly shows that above all, exercise matters.
If you too would like to measure your body fat, endurance capacity, risk of diabetes (insulin resistance), or brain activity, call our friendly medical concierge at +65 6679 7867, or email us at